Dec 25, 2020
Today’s Feng Shui Friday, I am going to answer questions that have been sent to me. Some of the questions were related to boosting one’s business, starting a business from scratch, the perfect bedroom color that will increase relationships, and the ideal placement of plants in your house.
Colors are the most...
Dec 21, 2020
We have reached our final episode before Christmas. But what really happens before Christmas? It is the winter solstice on this amazing day on the 21st of December. This is a very significant day for me because a lot of special things happened that I am really grateful for.
Even though we have reached our final episode...
Dec 18, 2020
Feng Shui can attract lots of elements. Some can be all about love, wealth, prosperity, just to name a few. Feng Shui can help you improve your life by attracting positive elements. Negative energy is just everywhere and we don’t want that, we want to remove this type of energy to make positive energy flow and not be...
Dec 7, 2020
If you go back in time, are there instances that you followed your intuition? I bet you, there would be many. All of us have that inner voice, that deep intuition that calls us to what we would have become at the present moment. It could be just saying yes to an invitation over a cup of coffee from an old acquaintance,...