Aug 7, 2021
As a Leo Patricia enjoys birthday celebrations, however, as she goes through a new era in her life, there is a big shift in boundaries and realizations. It is on a much deeper level and asking herself the most powerful life changing question. It’s letting go of the guilt and being unapologetic when she does not do what people would expect her to do. It’s all about self-love and creating that space to live her dreams awake.
REMEMBER - "It is okay for you to have and to be doing whatever it is that you want and being unapologetic for your dreams and your desires."
Book Patricia recommends:
Stop Checking Your Likes: Shake Off the Need for Approval and Live an Incredible Life by Susie Moore -
Past episodes on self-love:
Self-care vs Self-love with Gina Swire -
Manifesting Your Dream Life with Joy Bufalini -
Sign up for the Powerhouse Feng Shui Masterclass
"I deeply and completely love and accept myself and it's okay, it's absolutely okay."
"It is okay for you to have and to be doing whatever it is that you want and being unapologetic for your dreams and your desires."
“When people commit and put the money down for something, they do the work and then make the changes."