Nov 7, 2022
Welcome to another episode of Power House Feng Shui with our wonderful host, Patricia Lohan. In today’s episode, Patricia will share with us her conversation with Francie. Patricia recalls one of the challenges that they have in the Power House group: posting the members' front doors. She remembered how Francie’s front door looked and having a mirror as you opened up the door in the house. Patricia then recommended to Francie that it had to be changed, and everything followed with great results.
The conversation dived deeper into some of the challenges that Francie met before joining the Power House, the experiences that she had that made her decide to join the group, and her intentions and actions that made her reach where she is right now.
It is never too late for everyone. And if you want to start the change in your life like Francie, you may join Power House Feng Shui and check out Feng Shui 101 to dive deeper into Feng Shui. Enjoy!
Highlights of the episode…
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