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PowerHouse Feng Shui Podcast is for women who want more ease, flow, joy, abundance, goodness in their lives whilst stepping into their power. You're tired of feeling stuck, you're doing all the right things to change your life, but nothing is working as fast as you want it to. You want to live life full out, be fulfilled and happy. This is the missing piece of the jigsaw, tapping into universal source energy and the magic that transforming your home can create. You're excited and ready to learn what it takes to create more growth and expansion, without working any harder. Hosted by Patricia Lohan, author of The Happy Home, Your Guide to creating a Happy, Healthy, Wealthy Life, you'll learn the ways you can easily become a manifesting magnet in your life and business. This is far more than decluttering or moving furniture. This is about accessing an un-utilised resource and turning your house into a magnet for more flow ease and magic. This is the show for you to spiritually and emotionally uplevel, because you're ready to power yourself and your home with Feng Shui.

Dec 7, 2020

If you go back in time, are there instances that you followed your intuition? I bet you, there would be many. All of us have that inner voice, that deep intuition that calls us to what we would have become at the present moment. It could be just saying yes to an invitation over a cup of coffee from an old acquaintance, just like what had happened to our special guest in this episode of Live Your Dreams Awake.

I have a really wonderful conversation with my soul brother Geoff Fitzpatrick, whom I have connected with, over mandalas. Geoff is into Tibetan Sand Mandalas and his main intent is to support people to get the time, space and permission to disconnect from the non-stop stream of distractions, take a pause and RECONNECT with yourself. Geoff has two great passions, first the Sacred Geometry and second, Breath and Breathing, both very very interesting. I am sure you will love this conversation with Geoff wherein we deep-dived into inner work, tools, modalities and exploring the deeper meaning of realities. 

Enjoy listening!

REMEMBER - "The person who knows what's best for you is YOU."

This week's feng shui tip is super easy and it's about really calling in all your dreams and desires into your life. So how do you do that? Well we can think about and imagine and dream about what we want but putting it down on paper will make a huge difference. Put your dreams  down in paper and write them in the present tense as if it is happening already in your life. For example: I am grateful for my loving relationship or I am grateful for the exotic travel and places I have been to. Make those intentions as specific as can be. Place the paper of your affirmations in an envelope and place it underneath your bed mattress. You will be able to tune in to those dreams into reality. 


  • Geoff’s authentic introduction of himself and his twin passion for sacred geometry and breath and breathing.
  • An explanation of  what truly a mandala is and its ever presence in everything around us. .
  • The most potent and powerful  part of Geoff’s workshop - the intense ritual of letting go, the brushing away of the grains of sand meticulously placed in the drawing board. (...How can destruction be a liberation?) 
  • How can we bring this inner work into our everyday life? 
  • Two provocative questions he would ask participants into his workshop that will bring about self-awareness and healing.
  • Where can people start to dive deeper into the mystery of who they are?


Free meditation guide to step into success 

Book that Geoff Fitzpatrick is reading and highly recommends:

The Overflowing Brain: Information Overload and the Limits of Working Memory by Torkel Klingberg 

Join Geoff Fitzpatrick Sacred Geometry Module








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