Jun 5, 2023
There are nine areas of life that are represented by areas in your home such as the Family and Community, Wealth and Prosperity, Fame and Reputation, Love and Relationships, New Beginnings, Travel and Helpful People, Career, Health and the Spiritual and Growth area.
Listen to this episode and learn how from a feng shui perspective can help promote balance and positive energy flow in your home.
Highlights of the episode…
● The nine different areas of your life and the importance of having balance in these areas.
Feng Shui 101 - https://www.powerhousefengshui.com/101-fengshui-v2-1
Past episodes mentioned:
Feng Shui and Artworks
Book mentioned:
The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff, explaining about the Taoist teachings of Lao Tzu -
Connect with Patricia Lohan: